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Le Thiet Cuong    back to artist page

1962                Born in Vietnam

1964-1973.    Evacuated to Binh a Village to escape American bombing of Hanoi
1973-1980.    Secondary School education in Hanoi
1980-1984.    Served in the army and worked as a cartographer and farmland during the rice harvests
1985-1990.    Attended the Vietnam State Film College in Hanoi Studied set design for two years & animation in the final three years
1990-1999.    Studied Tay Tang Buddahism and produced a series of painting influenced by its teaching
1999-now.     Began studied of Book of Changes, the I Ching

Selected Collections
            Singapore National Museum, Singapore
            Deutsche Bank AG, Hanoi, Vietnam
           ABN/ Amro Bank, Singapore

Selected Group Exhibitions
1996.            Vietnam - Contemorary Art, SL Centrum, Stutgart, Germany.
1997.            From the Red Rever to Mekong, the new trend in Vietnam, Centre Walloni, Bruxelles, Paris, France.
                      View of Contemorary Art, Novoted Gallery, Vientiane, Laos.
1998.           A Winding River - the Journey of Contemorary Art in Vietnam, Meridian International Center, Washington D.C, USA
                      L 'anima Soffocata, Bassano del Grapa, Italy
                      Three Contemorary Vietnamese Artists, Cork Street Gallery, London, England.
                      Arts plastiques et Visuals de 1925 a nos jours, Escape Mridien, Bruxelles, Belgium.
1999.           Sculpture Exhibition - Young Artists, Vietnam National Fine Art Museum, Vietnam
2000.           The Quiet Lingt, Red River Gallery, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2005.           The Grains of Rice, Thang Long Gallery, Hanoi, Vietnam.
2006.           Vietnam Smiling, Gallery 39, Hanoi, Vietnam
                      Manuscript, Gallery 39, Hanoi, Vietnam
2007.           Group exhibition at The Red Gallery in Dubai.

Selected Publications
           The South China Moring Post, May, 1995
           Time Magazine, August 1996
           Tableau, Fine Arts Magazine Holland, September 1997
           The Singapore Straits Time, October 1997
           Elle, October 1997
           Christes Catologue, March 1999
           The Bangkok Post, October 2000 and October 2002
           Sotheby 's Catalogue, December 2003
            L ' Humatite Magazine, September 2005.
           NY Art Magazine, February 2006

Selected Solo and Two Person Exhibitions
1991.             The Pastoral, first one-man exhibition, Centre for Exhibition & Artistic Exchange, Hanoi, Vietnam
1995.             The Quite Path, Plum Bossoms, Hong Kong & Singapore.
1997.             The Changing Eye, Plum Bossons, Hong Kong & Singapore.
1998.             Vietnam Today, Gallery Andy Julien, Zurich, Switzerland.
1999.             Point of View, Plum Bossoms, Hong Kong & Singapore
2000.             Beyond our Vision, Gallery 55, Bangkok, Thailand
2001.             Minimalist Path, Dragon, Hanoi, Vietnam
2002.             The Way To One, Gallery 55, Bongkok, Thailand
2003.             Unspoken Dialogue, Plum Blossoms, New York, USA
2004.             Meeting Myself, Gallery 55, Bangkok, Thailand.
                       Inspiration from Basho\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Poem, Shingendo Gallery, Tokyo, Japan.
                       Zoom Vietnam, Gajah Gallery, Singapore.
                       Facing, Dragon Gallery, Hanoi, Vietnam.
