Thom Ross
The Northern Lights of Fredericksburg
60 x 52 Inches  Acrylic on Canvas $13500 Unframed
Artist: Thom Ross, Title: The Northern Lights of Fredericksburg - click to close window
"The Northern Lights; Fredericksburg; Dec. 1862" The battle of Fredericksburg resulted in massive death and agony for the assaulting Union soldiers. General Burnside, who had ordered the seven charges was so beside himself with reproach that he almost mounted his gorse to lead one last charge. His staff stopped him from the guilt-ridden, rash act. Later that night the northern lights made a strange appearance; seeing them that far south was very unusual. Both sides stopped and gazed up at this heavenly apparition. In this painting, three rebels pause in their activities and gaze skyward in awe. They are wearing their "great coats" against the winter's cold.