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Group Exhibit
February Group Exhibit
Gesso Cocteau
February 12, 2014 - March 8, 2014
6:00 - 8:00 pm

       Continuing with our desire to offer as many of our artists works as we can during the  year  we  are  pleased  to  carry over a few works by January's artist, Don Tiller as well as a great selection of photo-realism by Ray Pelley and works by Milo Duke and Wendy Wees   . We also  have a nice selection of Abstracts by our November artist, Robert Allan.  Other works up are by  Mark  Gatewood, Jaime Ellsworth, Svetlana  Shalygina and a new Valentine's painting by Dan Larsen.
Also new to the gallery mid-month are 3 new sculptures by Chinese artist Ting Shao Kuang.
Keep in mind that we also continue to offer the collectible prints by Dr. Seuss all year long.                  

Gesso Cocteau
Endless Celebration - Maquette
40 x 13.5 x 8 Inches  Bronze
$ 5800 US