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January Group Exhibit
January Group Exhibit
Dr. Seuss
January 8, 2014 - February 8, 2014
6:00 - 8:00 pm

   Continuing with our  desire  to  offer  as  many  of  our  artist's  works  as  we  can  during  the  year  we  are  pleased  to carry over a few works by December's artists, Milo Duke and Wendy Wees as well as a great selection of photo-realism by Ray Pelley. We also have a nice selection of Abstracts by our November artist, Robert Allan. Other works up are by  Mark  Gatewood, Jaime Ellsworth and Svetlana Shalygina  
Keep in mind that we also continue to offer the collectible prints by Dr. Seuss all year long.          

Dr. Seuss
After Dark in the Park
36 x 24 Inches  Pigment Print Mixed Media on Canvas
Dr. Seuss
Lorax Book Cover
17 x 15 Inches  Lithograph on Paper
Dr. Seuss
Cats C, B and A
17 x 13 Inches  Serigraph on Paper
Dr. Seuss
The Cat that Changed the World
53 x 42 Inches  Pigment Print on Paper
Dr. Seuss
Cat in the Hat - Sold Out
15 x 7.5 x 12 Inches  Bronze
Dr. Seuss
Green Eggs and Ham Maquette
20.5 x 9 x 8 Inches  Bronze